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How has waste suddenly become such a BIG problem?


Waste has always been a problem.


"The Production of plastics leaped during the war, nearly quadrupling from 213 million pounds in 1939 to 818 million pounds in 1945.

Plastics exploded into consumer markets. (Indeed, as early as 1943, DuPont had a whole division at work preparing prototypes of housewares that could be made of the plastics then commandeered for the war.) Just months after the war's end, thousands of people lined up to get into the first National Plastics Exposition in New York, a showcase of the new products made possible by the plastics that had proven themselves in the war."


Source: A Brief History of Plastic's Conquest of the World, by Susan Freinkel

Why don't people recycle more often?

The truth is, it's not your fault and recycling does not solve the problem. It varies by the countries, regions, states and even down to the town. It all depends on where you live because the level of priorities is very different on how much budget they are willing to spend on getting rid of waste property. Even if everyone pitched into recycling and getting rid of waste properly on a consumer level, we would still have the problem of companies taking the effort to get rid of it in a suitable way.

Types of Plastic - Final - 11-12-19.webp

What types of plastics are there?

There are currently Seven known types of Plastics, (including Bioplastics). The reason why its so hard to get rid of plastic waste, is because there's wide variety of plastics and not enough resources being invested further into finding better ways to get rid of it.

Compostable vs Biodegradable vs Recyclable

Well, according to United States Environmental Protection Agency, You should really read into what is truthfully Compostable vs Bioplastics. Make sure your not tricked into buying something that says, "Compostable", but is really not.


If a plastic product is labeled “compostable,” can I add it to my home compost pile?

"No. Unless the label indicates that the product is okay for home composting, you should not try to compost it at home. Plastic that is labeled as compostable is generally intended to be sent to an industrial or commercial composting facility which has higher temperatures and different breakdown conditions than those found in a typical homeowner’s compost bin"



Frequently Asked Questions about Plastic Recycling and Composting by USEPA



Will being eco-friendly ever get more popular?


 Absolutely! During the year of 2020, there was a BIG boost with being eco-friendly, despite there being a pandemic. It would seem that our current younger generation taking a extensive  interest in what they are buying. 


"Although more people in the U.K. rank sustainability as important, consumers in the U.S. (56 percent) and U.K. (59 percent) align in their willingness to pay more for sustainable options. Beyond this, gender also factors into sustainable shopping across both regions: 26 percent of women said that they are willing to pay 25 percent more for sustainable goods, compared to 21 percent of men. It is clear brands must demonstrate a commitment to eco-conscious practices to win over customers across both regions. Doing this will not only reinforce brand loyalty, but also give companies an opportunity to raise prices and meet consumer demand for sustainable items."




Second Annual CGS Survey Reveals Sustainability Shopping Preferences



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